Transferring Print Files

File transfer procedures:

Please contact Print Strategy to set up secure private folder on the FTP. All files must be placed in a folder, which you can create on our secure FTP server, and compressed using a utility such as DropStuff (Mac) or PKZIP (PC). It is not necessary to binhex encode the files. If you are using an OS version below OSX.6 (Snow Leopard), please avoid using ZIP for Mac-generated files as the fonts can be corrupted during the compression process. If you must use ZIP on Mac files, please ensure that the Macintosh resource forks are being preserved. Type 1 fonts contain their data within the resource fork and rendered useless when the resource fork is stripped off.

The archive name should be descriptive of your project, consist of alphanumeric characters with no spaces or punctuation other than the period for the file extension, and no more than x alphanumeric characters long (including dot extension). Underscores (_) and hyphens (-) can be used in lieu of spaces. The first character of the file must be alphanumeric. Files containing other special symbols or begin with a period will cause the FTP server to reject the transfer.

The most reliable method to transfer your files is to use FTP client software. Common examples for Mac are Transmit, Fetch, and Cyberduck. On a Windows platform, you can use Internet Explorer.
Our FTP server will advise us if files have successfully transferred. If you have not received a confirmation from Print Strategy within 4 hours (during the workday) of transferring the files FTP, please contact Print Strategy. It is likely that your files did not successfully transfer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. If you have submitted your project in its native application, please send a low resolution PDF to Print Strategy for our quality control purposes.

If you prefer, we will accept small files, 5 MB or less, via email. Once again, the file needs to be compressed.