Mailing Services

Our Goal: Delivery Optimization / Postage Minimization

As USPS-certified Mail Design Professionals, we help you select mailing formats that deliver the best results. Print Strategy’s mailing process is designed to improve your mail deliverability and lower your postage via our logistics programs that deliver discounted postal rates.

We make a complex process simple for you.

Our Strategy and Tactics

Our approach to Postal Optimization incorporates a strong foundation of integrated technology, tools and processes.

Print Strategy’s single-source agency provides you with an accountable, documented mail process. Within two strategic geographic locations, we offer specialist production teams for printing, data processing, personalization, mailing, postal logistics and mail tracking.

Receive good data. Make it better.

We use USPS-approved data cleansing processes, (NCOA, CASS, DPV) and other hygiene processes (M/P and de-dupe, as needed) to standardize address formatting to improve the deliverability of your mail and reduce your mailing’s UAA (Undeliverable As Addressed) waste.

Postal Logistics

Your mail files are analyzed for inclusion into our logistics programs — proven tools that reduce your postage and maximize your delivery control.

Print Strategy’s Midwest logistics partner offers daily co-palletization services and destination entry services through one of the largest pool consolidation services in the US. Your participation in our logistics programs can start with mail volumes as low as 5,000 copies.

Mail Tracking

Print Strategy’s web based, Mail Tracker program is inexpensive, easy to use and enables you to gauge and prepare your staff for increased volume. Mail Tracker can facilitate additional, coordinated contact strategies that can pay big dividends.