Print Strategy begins delivery optimization with a format review process that incorporates and weighs the marketing objective versus potential cost savings as determined by mail class/classification.
While some creative presentations demand an oversized printed presentation, Print Strategy focuses on USPS automation compliant Standard A Letters for the best direct mail postal economy and performance. If you compare Flats rates versus Letters rates, we’re sure you will agree.
Direct mail campaign formats vary, but the Rules for Success do not. Print Strategy successfully implements marketing programs using the postcards, envelope packages, self-mailers, and the Reward Postcard™.
As email inboxes become more cluttered and click-through rates drop, marketers are returning to postcards as a cost-effective customer contact option. Postcards are easy to create, quick and inexpensive to produce and eye-catchingly tangible.
If you want speedy delivery and low production and postage costs, use a USPS’ First Class Postcard. Sized at 4.25” x 6”, these mighty-mites are perfect for delivering a single promotional product or sales message. In fact, these hard working cards can even deliver a wallet card by being finished as a Reward Postcard™.
Our customers use postcards to inform, generate leads and drive web and retail traffic. Be it a Grand Opening announcement, Gift with Purchase Incentive or Reactivation Offer, our postcards can efficiently deliver the message.
Classic Envelope Packages
Like postcards, classic letter packages are very popular because they are proven performers. The #10 package remains a direct mail workhorse and we produce windowed and closed-face matched mailers. Enveloped mail implies confidentiality, permits broader inclusion of a variety of components, facilitates selective mailing which enables cost-effective testing.
Print Strategy’s focus on format design for automation processing really helped Tulsi Tea whose promotional agency wanted to conduct a sampling program via the mail. Postal rules require mail pieces to have uniform thickness. By increasing the basis weight and stiffness of all paper components and developing a uniform interior component size, Print Strategy’s ideas overcame the ‘tea bag bump’ that was objected to by the USPS. Our improved packaging solution slightly increased print production costs but netted a 5-figure postage savings for Tulsi Tea!
Postage stamp affixed, closed-face matched mailer invitational packages (with and without unique codes) have been a strong format choice for many of our clients.
Self-mailers are fun to develop because they offer endless design possibilities. When copy or product space requirements exceed that of a postcard, a self-mailer economically fits the bill. They can be fully produced in-line on press and addressed, ready for mailing. A speedy solution!
The USPS has a special category for spine-pasted self-mailers that display enough merchandise to be considered mini-catalogs. Because press-finished mini-catalogs save saddle-stitching costs, they are competitive Sale Catalog replacements.
Reward Postcard
A Marketer’s Love Affair
You see them everywhere. Marketers have fallen in love with easily carried, credit card coupon promotions. The Reward Postcard™ is the fastest, least expensive way to deliver a portable Offer Card to customers and prospects.
Print Strategy offers you a turn-key Reward Postcard™ printing and mailing solution to market with promotional Offer Cards at quantities as low as 5,000 copies!
You can use this super-charged postcard to cost-effectively implement Acquisition, Reactivation, Appreciation and Loyalty marketing initiatives. We’ve specialized and hardwired our production process to guarantee you efficiency, quality and cost competitive card functionality.
The Reward Postcard™ benefits:
Offer Card – a credit-card sized Call to Action that can be personalized and tracked.
Visibility – your offer’s value is immediately recognized and is a continuous branded reminder in his/her wallet/purse/pocket.

Best Postage – LOWEST rate offered by US Postal Service.
Predictability – First Class mail offers tight in-home delivery clustering so you know when to scale your company’s operations for increased business volume.
Control – Unique web codes or retail barcodes facilitate real time measurement on websites and at stores. Unique coding prevents your offer from going viral, enabling true attribution of your promotion’s metrics.
View great examples on the Reward Postcards™ page. Contact us today to learn more.