Media Inserts

Our print inserts are used in multiple media channels and take varied forms. Customers use us for Blow-in Cards, Bind-in Cards, Catalog Inserts,Package Inserts, Magazine Inserts, Sticker Onserts, Co-op Package Inserts, Cover Wrap Onserts and Newspaper Inserts.

Blow-in Cards

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Our clients use blow-in cards to inform, be a Call to Action and to generate orders via Business Reply Mail. Blow-in cards are simple inexpensive winners. Recipients can be selectively targeted. While usually a single card, blow-ins can also be multi-paged.

These cards are almost always 4 x 6 rectangles. West Elm wanted something different, so Print Strategy produced a stylish series of square blow-in cards.

Why do blow-ins usually outperform bind-in cards? Give us a call for our opinion.

Catalogs Inserts

Print Strategy’s first printing project was a selectively targeted, 8-page catalog insert featuring close-out merchandise. Since then, we have had the pleasure of producing inserts that Glow in the Dark, Peel and Stick, Smell (nicely, of course) and Roll Fold from here to forever.

Print Strategy has shipped hundreds of millions of catalog inserts. Many inserts have been preprinted catalog order forms like Pendleton’s, which offset expense by selling favorites or last-minute add-ons while also providing customer service info. Our ability to print on offset papers is unsurpassed and we have produced many incredibly well-designed order forms. Call us to get the best of breed.

Package Inserts

Inserts in outbound packages or retail shopping bags are one of the least expensive ways to thank customers for their business and stimulate another sale. Print Strategy has produced package insert formatted as cards, newsletters, broadsheets and brochures.

Sticker Onserts

For last minute messaging, Print Strategy often produces small, inexpensive dot whack stickers. Sun Precautions addressed specific file segments and Lakeshore Learning announced new store openings with a fluorescent flourish. Print Strategy also provides clean-release gift cards and peel ‘n reveal stickers.

Co-op Package Inserts

Print Strategy co-op package inserts can be the marketing doctor’s best prescription. We deliver this product in single and multi-panel formats. Our team once furnished 600K finished copies three days after receiving art files. (Please don’t tell anyone!)

Magazine Inserts

One Print Strategy partner is passionate about magazine insert work. Brand advertising is about beautiful images and we love printing work that is seen by hundreds of millions of people. Once we produced 102 million inserts for one ad campaign. No joke.

Bind-in Cards

Have you ever seen a magazine without at least one bind-in card? Most cards serve subscription objectives, but marketers like Design Within Reach have successfully used magazine bind-in cards to encourage trial; others have driven retail traffic and sales with promotional bind-in offer cards.

Catalog bind-in cards can be inkjet coded by individual recipient to create data rich, measurable promotions.

Cover Wrap Onserts

When the marketing message demands maximum visibility, cover wraps drive home the message. Grand opening store announcements like Hanna Andersson’s are chosen by zip select but other announcements, like reactivation efforts, can be selectively bound to cost effectively reach different mail file segments. Wraps are most effective when produced on different paper stocks that deliberately stand out from the cover.

Newspaper Inserts

One of our print partners produces millions of newspaper inserts weekly, so when Design Within Reach wanted to use local media to trumpet its new store openings, our team had the ins and outs covered. When wanted to deliver a a clever re-positional sticker via alternate news media, Print Strategy had the experience to flawlessly execute.